Monday, August 25, 2014

Surety Bond premiums expand in the first half of the year in Mexico

The First Half of the Year

One of the great places to find information is from Mexico.  Yes, it’s a whole different country, but their reporting agency can show some pretty accurate information.  Of course, Mexico typically runs a few months behind the United States, but it’s generally a good indicator of what is going on.

Mexico also has a system that is quite different from the United States.  Instead of a whole host of surety bond companies, they have fifteen authorized firms.  These surety companies reported $4.35 billion pesos (approx $333 million US) in premiums.  Significantly, this is a increase of over 12.5% over the previous year.

Administrative bonds, which is 73.2% of the market, had the largest growth in the amount of 18.8%.

Fidelity bonds fell 0.9% (basically, statistical noise) and commercial bonds declined 7.5%.

Surety Bond premiums expand in the first half of the year in Mexico

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